This statistical bulletin provides the preliminary estimates of the recent quarter and final estimates of the previous quarter on production, area and number of bearing trees/hills of four (4) major fruit crops, banana, mango, pineapple and calamansi. Major Fruit Crops Quarterly Bulletin, October-December 2021 Producers’ and landed prices of some fish species are also included in the report. It is accomplished through its Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation (BVR), Bureau of Services for the Visually Impaired (BSVI) and Division of Disability. This is a quarterly report on fishery production of the three sub-sectors namely: commercial, municipal and aquaculture by region. This statistical bulletin provides the preliminary estimates of the recent quarter and final estimates of the previous quarter on major non-food and industrial crops, namely: abaca, coconut, coffee, rubber, sugarcane, tobacco and cacao.įisheries Situation Report for Major Species, January to December 2021 Major Non-Food and Industrial Crops Quarterly Bulletin, October-December 2021

The latest updates on the Philippine Standard Geographic Codes are also included. Presents the latest quarterly data on the following: national accounts, investments, poverty, MDG indicators, and other key economic and social indicators. Philippine Statistics in Brief 2022 - First Quarter 2022